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Written by Jolene McCord will help you understand:
How God’s authority has been passed down to man kind
How Satan strips you of authority
Who is your real enemy and how to use your
authority against him
How to bind and loose the works of the enemy
Obedience, discernment, faith and authority are the
keys to overcoming
How to take authority over your dominion properly
How to try a spirit properly
Written by Jolene McCord will help you understand:
Deliverance is not just a one time event but a continual, daily walk.
How to be engaged in spiritual warfare against the powers of darkness.
How to keep your deliverance and live out one bondage to the next with applicable steps to help you maintain your deliverance.
What to do when you need spiritual strengthening
Written by Jolene McCord will help you understand:
Learn how people with insecurity coming out of comparisons will do everything in the natural to receive love and nurturing to escape the insecurity.
Learn how comparisons alters your personality to such a degree you have no guidance or directions as to who you are or what you should accomplish in this life.
Learn how comparisons has you performing your whole life to receive love and acceptance.
Learn how comparisons comes in as a child and develops into fear of man, fear of rejection and fear of not living up to others expectations.
List of spirit for deliverance included
Written by Jolene McCord will help you understand:
You have been detained for entry…but entry of what?
Why do I think this way?
How the enemy manipulates your thoughts
Your imaginations reveal what is in your heart to God
Proper imagination vs. vain imagination
How to submit and renew your imagination to God’s will
Includes prayer for repentance
Written by Jolene McCord will help you understand:
You have been detained for entry…but entry of what?
Gullible people become hoodwinked people
Oils, holistic medicine/practices, witchcraft, pharmakeia and other forms of occultism are deceiving the church.
Several testimonies of deliverance from insanity, an incredible story of a witch coming to Christ and how a multi billion dollar company got its start by hoodwinking the church.
Spirits of fear, control and unloving cause chaos of the mind.
The 8 R’s to freedom
Written by Jolene McCord will help you understand:
SELF-PITY …the self-soothing addiction that keeps you living in the past
Self-pity – the foundational spiritual root for all auto-immnune diseases
Your emotions have become your idol
Losing your will to fight, live and be set free
Your body is becoming what you think
Learn how to transform your spirit, soul and body back to the image of God
How to overcome self-pity and testimonies
Written by Jolene McCord will help you understand:
How to shut the door to defilement coming from others by changing what you believe.
His purpose should be our objective
What is stopping you from fulfilling God’s will in your life?
Sophronismos – having a disciplined mind
Disease or lying symptoms?
The battle plan: how to defeat your enemy by washing in the water of the word to overcome
Written by Laurel Hesskew will help you understand:
Are you in denial unknowingly
Is this toxic faith or real faith
Rejection sickness
What is guile and why don’t I see it
Does name it and claim it work
How spirits of fear and denial blind the root issues
How to kill the tree effectively
Encouragement to be an overcomer
Written by Jolene McCord will help you understand:
Why do we compromise?
Compromise leads to emptiness and inability to hear from God
Are you Pharaoh or Moses?
What it means to compromise the truth
Compromise leads to double-mindedness and a reprobate mind
Condemnation, shame and guilt keep compromise in place
Includes prayers and list of spirits for deliverance
Written by Jolene McCord will help you understand:
Uncover what is truly in your heart
Discover the correlation of Psalm 51 and the heart of man
What are the different bitterness issues of the heart?
Dealing with guile once and for all
How to reach out to God with results
How to keep your deliverance
Written by Jolene McCord will help you understand:
What is Passivity?
Learn about the characteristics of Passivity
How Passivity leads to justification, procrastination and a lack of will
Do you have an active or passive mind?
Learn how Passivity changes the brain
Diseases of Passivity
Learn how to use your authority to take your life back
Includes prayers for deliverance
Written by Jolene McCord will help you understand:
How shame can come upon you
How shame leads to pride, rejection, rebellion & guilt
How shame steals your finances
God desires to comfort, not condemn
Guidance in overcoming shame
Written by Jolene McCord will help you understand:
What is the Dumb & Deaf Spirit
How Dumb & Deaf affect your body & mental state of being
How Dumb & Deaf lead to rejection & defiance
How Dumb & Deaf affect Godly order
List of repentance & prayers for ministry
Written by Jolene McCord will help you understand:
What are the Watches of the Night
What to be aware of for the Watches of the Night
How God wants you to respond to the Watches of the Night
Prophecy regarding the Watches of the Night
Includes prayers for the Watches of the Night and for sleep
Written by Jolene McCord will help you understand:
Envy vs jealousy: how they interact
How envy leads to strife, enablement, hoarding, a busy body and much more
How envy feeds fear and shame
How envy steals your faith
How to live a life of contentment
Prayers and deliverance in the back of the book
Written by Jolene McCord will help you understand:
What is the purpose of fasting?
Different types of fasts described in the Bible and how to choose which is right for you.
How long to fast
How to break a fast
How to prepare for a fast
What to expect while on a fast physically, mentally and spiritually.
Written by Jolene McCord will help you understand:
What is the Vagabond?
Characteristics of the Vagabond Spirit
How the Vagabond Spirit Leads to Wandering
How the Vagabond Spirit sets up a person in False Pride
How the Vagabond Spirit leads to Separation from God and others
How to Break the Curse of the Vagabond Spirit
Written by Jolene McCord will help you understand:
What is a spirit of death, hell and destruction
The Plagues
How torment and destruction operates
Diseases, accidents, and traumas
Overcome addiction, suicide grief and death
The power of the Blood of the Lamb
Prayers and Deliverance to overcome
A More Excellent Way is our number one resources selling over 300,000 copies worldwide. It is an excellent, comprehensive introduction to the root causes behind diseases and how to overcome them in your life.
Written by Jolene McCord will help you understand:
You have been detained for entry…but entry of what?
Why do I think this way?
How the enemy manipulates your thoughts
Your imaginations reveal what is in your heart to God
Proper imagination vs. vain imagination
How to submit and renew your imagination to God’s will
Includes prayer for repentance
Written by Jolene McCord will help you understand:
You have been detained for entry…but entry of what?
Gullible people become hoodwinked people
Oils, holistic medicine/practices, witchcraft, pharmakeia and other forms of occultism are deceiving the church.
Several testimonies of deliverance from insanity, an incredible story of a witch coming to Christ and how a multi billion dollar company got its start by hoodwinking the church.
Spirits of fear, control and unloving cause chaos of the mind.
The 8 R’s to freedom
Written by Jolene McCord will help you understand:
SELF-PITY …the self-soothing addiction that keeps you living in the past
Self-pity – the foundational spiritual root for all auto-immnune diseases
Your emotions have become your idol
Losing your will to fight, live and be set free
Your body is becoming what you think
Learn how to transform your spirit, soul and body back to the image of God
How to overcome self-pity and testimonies
Written by Jolene McCord will help you understand:
How to shut the door to defilement coming from others by changing what you believe.
His purpose should be our objective
What is stopping you from fulfilling God’s will in your life?
Sophronismos – having a disciplined mind
Disease or lying symptoms?
The battle plan: how to defeat your enemy by washing in the water of the word to overcome
Written by Laurel Hesskew will help you understand:
Are you in denial unknowingly
Is this toxic faith or real faith
Rejection sickness
What is guile and why don’t I see it
Does name it and claim it work
How spirits of fear and denial blind the root issues
How to kill the tree effectively
Encouragement to be an overcomer
Written by Jolene McCord will help you understand:
Why do we compromise?
Compromise leads to emptiness and inability to hear from God
Are you Pharaoh or Moses?
What it means to compromise the truth
Compromise leads to double-mindedness and a reprobate mind
Condemnation, shame and guilt keep compromise in place
Includes prayers and list of spirits for deliverance
Written by Jolene McCord will help you understand:
Uncover what is truly in your heart
Discover the correlation of Psalm 51 and the heart of man
What are the different bitterness issues of the heart?
Dealing with guile once and for all
How to reach out to God with results
How to keep your deliverance
Written by Jolene McCord will help you understand:
What is Passivity?
Learn about the characteristics of Passivity
How Passivity leads to justification, procrastination and a lack of will
Do you have an active or passive mind?
Learn how Passivity changes the brain
Diseases of Passivity
Learn how to use your authority to take your life back
Includes prayers for deliverance
Written by Jolene McCord will help you understand:
How shame can come upon you
How shame leads to pride, rejection, rebellion & guilt
How shame steals your finances
God desires to comfort, not condemn
Guidance in overcoming shame
Written by Jolene McCord will help you understand:
What is the Dumb & Deaf Spirit
How Dumb & Deaf affect your body & mental state of being
How Dumb & Deaf lead to rejection & defiance
How Dumb & Deaf affect Godly order
List of repentance & prayers for ministry
Written by Jolene McCord will help you understand:
What are the Watches of the Night
What to be aware of for the Watches of the Night
How God wants you to respond to the Watches of the Night
Prophecy regarding the Watches of the Night
Includes prayers for the Watches of the Night and for sleep
Written by Jolene McCord will help you understand:
Envy vs jealousy: how they interact
How envy leads to strife, enablement, hoarding, a busy body and much more
How envy feeds fear and shame
How envy steals your faith
How to live a life of contentment
Prayers and deliverance in the back of the book
Written by Jolene McCord will help you understand:
What is the purpose of fasting?
Different types of fasts described in the Bible and how to choose which is right for you.
How long to fast
How to break a fast
How to prepare for a fast
What to expect while on a fast physically, mentally and spiritually.
Written by Jolene McCord will help you understand:
What is the Vagabond?
Characteristics of the Vagabond Spirit
How the Vagabond Spirit Leads to Wandering
How the Vagabond Spirit sets up a person in False Pride
How the Vagabond Spirit leads to Separation from God and others
How to Break the Curse of the Vagabond Spirit
Written by Jolene McCord will help you understand:
What is a spirit of death, hell and destruction
The Plagues
How torment and destruction operates
Diseases, accidents, and traumas
Overcome addiction, suicide grief and death
The power of the Blood of the Lamb
Prayers and Deliverance to overcome
A More Excellent Way is our number one resources selling over 300,000 copies worldwide. It is an excellent, comprehensive introduction to the root causes behind diseases and how to overcome them in your life.

Showing 1–12 of 35 results

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