You will also learn why the breakdown in relationships can cause spiritual, emotional and even physical problems. Things like unforgiveness, bitterness, anger, envy and self-hatred are just some of the problems that can be removed from our lives. This is a 4-5-day, intense teaching that builds precept upon precept, just like you learned math in school. You will learn how to apply these concepts to bring wholeness to your spirit, soul and body. We believe many diseases are the result of a lack of knowledge of God’s Word and sin. Jesus told the sick man in John 5:1-15 to “go and sin no more” after he healed him. The Jewish people had an understanding that sickness was a result of sin. The medical worked has recognized there is a connection between our thoughts and how our body responds to those thoughts in negative or positive ways.
“Fools are afflicted because of their transgressions and because of their iniquities.” Psalm 107:17
You will be able to identify and resolve spiritual roots of disease. Some of the issues we help you with are fear, stress, guilt, self-hatred and rejection. These negatively impact the body, soul and spirit, thus causing disease. The FOR YOUR LIFE course includes application around these spiritual root issues. All of the teaching is based on real answers from God’s own Word and research done by Be in Health in Thomaston, GA.